St. Louis

We're still looking for leadership in this city. Want to be invited to any future WIRe St. Louis events? Head over to our mailing list sign up page to register for updates from this chapter. Curious about sponsoring WIRe St. Louis events or hoping to lend a hand on our event planning team? Reach out to Jessica Sage for more info.

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Past events in
St. Louis
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Local Event Leadership

upcoming special event sponsorship opportunities

WIRe events are hosted by WIRe's Global event lead community. We are currently seeking new leadership in this chapter. Reach out for more information on becoming a WIRe event lead!
September 2024 - CRC WIRe in Color Dinner
September 2024 - ESOMAR Congress event
October 2024 - WIRexec Summit Europe
October 2024 - TMRE Executive Dinner

Email for more information.
WIRe events are hosted by WIRe's Global event lead community. Reach out for more information on becoming a WIRe event lead!
Connnect with WIRe Event team

Sponsor a WIRe event in your city!

Email your local event lead using the information above or contact Jessica Sage to receive more information.

Current Event Sponsors